Our services explained

Dog Walks

We offer dog walks priced at ยฃ13.00 per hour. We are
aware not a lot of dogs can't walk for a full hour so these
can be broken into 30 minute slots dependant on your
preference. We offer both solo walks (your dog only) or
group walks where they get to socialise, interact and have a lot of
fun with other dogs.
Walking is about so much more than just getting your dog out for โ€œpotty breaks.โ€ It provides exercise, mental stimulation, a chance to socialize, and even presents an opportunity for training.

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Pop in visits

We also offer home visits for dogs who are unwell, that
little bit older and canโ€™t walk much or just those little home
bodies who prefer to stay at home. Here we let your dog
out into the garden, feed them, give medication or simply
just lots of cuddles and a bit of company. It's nice for the owner to have that peace of mind when they are away from home that someone has paid a visit to their belkoved pooch/cat to simply check up on them and give them that little bit of company, reasurrance and love while they are home alone.

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All day sits

With an all day sit we visit your home at the chosen time
and can sit with your dog all day. This may be because
your at work , out shopping or on a day trip. Whatever the
reason we will be there. We will feed your dog walk your
dog , give medication and just simply keep them company
until you return home.
Separation anxiety in dogs occurs when they are overly attached or dependent on family members and become extremely anxious when separated from their owners. This is why we offer this service as sometimes you just have to be away from home for long periods of time. With this service you will have that peace of mind knowing your pooch is not alone and is being very well cared for.

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